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Press freedom and fundamental human right in Nigeria

Press freedom and fundamental human right in Nigeria

(a case study of the olusegun obasanso administration)



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In this study, press freedom and fundamental human rights mean generally that every individual should have the rights to freedom, which make a society. But where the rights of the press freedom and fundamental human right are fail to given, it will mar a society 100 questionnaires was shared to hundred people. The respondents were students, politician working in the government house and general public. The questionnaire was also distributed thus students 40, journalist 20 and the general public 40, these were used to find out whether obasanjo civilian administration give support to press freedom and fundamental human right. Raw scores of student. Journalist and the general public were collected and analyzed. Results of the analysis showed that, there is partly freedom of press and fundamental human right in olusegun obasanjo civilian administration than to that of sani abacha and badamosi babangida military regime. Recommendation where made based on the findings which include among other things that the government should try to advanced the cause of the press freedom from the level it is today by granting the press free hand to its duty. Again the government should take a second look as its stand on sharia law in some states like zamfara state. Finally the government should prosecute those who violate human rights from the past till down and the press should do its work according to the ethics of their profession. And people should be educated more to know their fundamental human rights. It is hope that if these recommendation are implemented, there will be noticeable improvement in the society since press is the watch dog of the society.

List of tables

  • How free is the press in nigeria?
  • Do you feel that the press in nigeria is performing its job as the voice of the voiceless in our society?
  • Do you believe that nigeria journalists and citizen should be given freedom to exercise their right?
  • Do you think that press freedom and fundamental human rights both contributed to the recent democracy in nigeria?
  • Will press freedom guarantee truthfulness and objectivity in the field of journalism?
  • How would you rate the babangida and abacha regime concerning pres freedom and fundamental human rights in nigeria?
  • Who is to be blamed for the restricted situation of the press?
  • Do you feel that the journalists are restricted because they do not adhere to the profession?

Table of content

Chapter one:- introduction                 1

  • Background of the study 1
    • Statement of the problems 11
    • Purpose of the study 13
    • Significance of the study 14
    • Research questions 15
    • Scope of the study 16
    • Definition of terms 17


Chapter two: literature review            23

  • Fundamental human rights in nigeria 23
  • Press freedom a way to fundamental

Human right                                               27

  • The nigerian press under the olusegun obasanjo administration 37
  • Summary of the literature review 40


Chapter three: reseach methodology  42

3.0   methodology                                                42

  • Brief outline of the study 42
  • Design of the study 43
  • Area of the study 44
  • Population of the study 44
  • Sample of the study 45
  • Instrument for data collection 45
  • Validation of the instrument 46
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 46
  • Method of data analysis. 47


Chapter four:- presentation and analysis of data                                                                         48

  • Data presentation 48
  • Data analysis 48
  • Findings 60


Chapter five: summary and findings, conclusion and recommendation

  • Summary of findings
    • Conclusion
    • Recommendations
    • Limitations of the study
    • Suggestion for further study




Chapter one – introduction

1.0  background of the study

Press freedom and fundamental human rights are two terms that can make or mar a society.

Press freedom and fundamental human rights can make a society where they are given their right place and proper attention. In the same, vein, the two can mar society where they are not given their proper place and respect. Infact they are like two sides of the coin.

a respect for fundamental human rights thus becomes a respect for human person. To understand how fundamental human rights work in a society is to understand the position of press freedom in that society. Because a society cannot have fundamental human rights in operation without first of all having press freedom in place, since the press is the voice of the voiceless society.

moreover to understand press freedom and fundamental human rights in nigeria, one must at the social systems where they operate. To put this in perspectives, that is pertinent to review the ibrahim badamosi babangida and the sani abacha military regimes and the supposed democratic government of olusegun obasanjo, during the period under military review in nigeria, press freedom and fundamental human right were conceived not for the great mans of people for men who were in position to guide and direct their fellows. This freedom was thought to be created near the hub of power. This is to say that once one is in power or in uniform, the person is above the law in some aspects of life.

the press therefore functioned from the top to down. The rulers of the time used the press to inform the masses of what they want to hear. Know and support.

for instance the government used the media to project only its programme and policies. But after all these, the fate of press freedom still hangs the balance.

However as stated earlier, no person can talk freedom of the press without first of all thinking of fundamental human right. When human rights are held in bondage, the press cannot find a fertile ground to practice, hence the clamp on the press article one (1) of the universal declaration of human rights say ‘all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights thus become birth right that flows from parents to children. This becomes possible as human beings are endowed with reason and consciences. There were severe retroactive laws as well as numerous absolutist decrees which inter-alia legalized illegalities and also drastically eroded fundamental human rights.

nevertheless, these constitute were mere interludes in the long tragedies of violation unleashed on innocent citizens by the military regimes, more especially the babangida and abacha regimes, the case is not all that different in this obasanjo administration but the treatment that time was sugar coated which may prove more dangerous. It is a form of good will but it was actually deceitful. A situation where a political party claims that it has chosen a consensus candidates to represent it in a political post or to use its platform to contest a political post while it is not so, this is denial of human rights of citizens in a democratic setting, it is fitting for the citizen in a political party to generally select the person who will use its name to contest for political post.

Most of the atrocities committed against the citizens were never reported during the regimes of babangida and abacha, as decrees were promulgated to trap those pressmen who cleared to publish government’s violation of human rights. As for obasanjo administration such pressmen will be sacked without benefits. As a result of this ugly development against nigeria pressmen, freedom of press becomes and remains a mirage.

Today the government frowns at who invites or comments on the regressing standard of education in nigeria and its attendants problems. It is even more shameful that citizens do not know what is happening in their country, simply because there is no press freedom, at the same time government is claiming to be running a democratic state. The situation has so determine, that many events in nigeria are first reported by foreign press before the local one. Sometimes, the nigerian press never reports such occurrences. As a result of intimidation to journalists and media operators, many nigerians are ignorant of events in nigeria or in the country. For example, the day abacha died. It was the foreign media that reported it first and those nigerians who do not have access to foreign reports got the news later when it was announced in nigeria.

Consequently, the civil liberties organization (clo) annual report about nigeria and becomes a useful guide in appreciating the dept of ruthlessness and lawlessness of babangida and abacha regimes, including the obasanjo administration. The executive thus arrogates to itself the power to accuse, arrest, make out punishment without recourse to the law courts. In the cast of the past military regimes, law courts were rendered important, new decrees were rolled out to deal with critics of government without the due process of law. Though the bill of human rights, the universal declaration of federal republic of nigeria, have fundamental human rights, embedded in them, but implementation of such provisions is the case.

The press and government have observed the relationship existing between them as that of “friendly enemies, the press will be doing everything it knows now for government in power and the masses, but the only reward the press gets is gail sentences, confiscation of their newspapers and magazines, writing of threat letters. Sometime send death through letter bombs as was the case of dele giwa during the babangida regime and so on.

Nevertheless, the importance and functions of the press cannot be over emphasized in a secular society like ours. These functions of the press are:-

Correlation: (1997) and wright (1975) wrote that, “correlation includes the interrelationship about the environment and prescription for conduct in reaction to these events. This is the editorial or opinion function which is otherwise pejoratively referred to as propaganda agenda setting.

Socialization or education: wright further said that occur on communicating knowledge’s, values and social norms from one generation to another from members of a group of newcomers. This is done through informal education.

Surveillance: according to wright, surveillance “refers to the collection and distribution of information, concerning events in the environment, both outside and within any particular society” this function of the press helps in guiding the live of the individual in society.

Entertainment: wright sees entertainment as “communicative it’s primarily intended for amusement, irrespective of any instrumental effect they might have. This is geared towards providing some amusement relaxation and relief from tension. It is basically meant to offer escape from hard, stressful times.

These functions of the press are very vital for the country and the press in society cannot be over emphasized.

  • Statement of the problem

Press freedom cannot be discussed while isolating fundamental human rights. That is why article (1) of the universal declaration of human rights says that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. A nation may be in place, but without psychological welfare going on in it by this, the nation might be a multi ethics state, where some citizens will be depraved of some of their rights. This such a nation is lacking in its fundamental human rights, martin luther king jr. Statement “peace is not absence of conflict but the presence of justice. The unfortunate thing is that the poor masses of a country like nigeria do not know what their rights are, they find it very difficult to fight for their rights. This is where the work of the pressmen becomes important, to fight the social ills in the country. But the question is, are the pressmen free to operate in nigeria, thus the press profession is like the biblical contest between moses and pharaoh, where moses was demanding for the release of his people to go to the land of promise, so that they would be free to express themselves, without fear of obnoxious decrees. But so long as the persecution of the journalists persists, practicing journalists cannot rest on their bars this study will look at:

the extent fundamental human rights are observed since the administration of olusegun obasango from 1999-2003 till date. Some national dailies and magazines will be studied to establish friends in human rights violations.

  • Purpose of the study

To highlight the importance of press freedom, to look into how the press is being handled and determine how the press freedom can faster fundamental human rights in nigeria.

To generate enough date that will serve as motivator for future researchers in this area of one’s communicating.

this work will be beneficial to media professionals politicians and anyone in society.


1.3  significance of the study

This work among other things will look for a way of projecting nigerian’s human rights and press freedom records in a good light both in and outside of the country. This work will be beneficial to media professionals, politicians, researchers and people from all walk of life.





1.4  research questions

  1. I) research question, how was press freedom influence fundamental human rights.

the questions is taken care of by data in table 4.4 which said that press freedom has influence on fundamental human right, the press is seen as the voice of the voiceless in society. The reason being that anytime the press is doing its job effectively, it always influence and attract positively the operations of fundamental human right, that is peoples fundamental human rights are not easily violated by this means that the press speaks of society.

  1. How the press has failed under the obasanjo administration is answered by data in table 4.1 which showed that the press is free in nigeria.
  • Fundamental human rights determine press freedom the questions was answered by data in table 4.3 which said that the idea of freedom to nigeria journalist and citizens is a positive suggestion, the reason being that when ever fundamental human right is in operation, it automatically guarantees press freedom.
  • Scope of the study

This study is limited only to the survey of babangida and sani abacha’s military regimes and obasanjo’s civilian administration. The data required for this study will be collected from the under graduate of political science, politicians who worked with the government and the general public in a randomly selection in onitsha and nnamdi azikiwe university.

1.6  definition of terms

It is important to state that conceptual definition refers to the actual meaning of terms as in dictionary; it is the general motion of a particular term. While operational definition refers to meaning as it suits the another or the way its would be in a content. It is given by the author. Note that the operational definition comes before conceptual terms.

Media: singular form of medium, it refers to the channel used in the transmission of message to the audiences, thus radio, television, newspaper and magazine. In this media is referred to all types of medium whether electronic or print.

        according to oxford dictionary press freedom is the right of journalists to report events and express opinions freely. Press freedom can be defines as right or free access to information and right to report news without government deprivations. It can also means the art of publishing material without submitting to government authority for permission.

Press: the press in this frame work refers to a print and electronic medium of communication. It can also refer to newspaper or periodicals collectively or publishing house.

Freedom: in this content, it means giving access, liberty not under compulsion or restraint by any authority.

Journalism: the profession which involves working in a media house, sometimes it is regarded as press work. This is profession which antecedent entails conducting and writing for public journals.

Regime: it refers to a period of a particular government in power, examples are that of abacha and abubakar. It means also a system of government or administration usually military.

Human rights: these right which are inherent in the nature of human beings without which we cannot live as human beings. This refers to those principles and freedom given human being in order to satisfy nature.

Tyranny: it means abuse of power, ruling authoritatively without the consent of the citizens. It refers to using power arbitrary and oppressively.

Ethics: ethics of journalism refers to widely accepted standard of practice in the profession. It is the profession standard conduct in journalism.

Decrees: these are laws made by the military which are not constitutional. This is the order edict law by one authority.

Prescrition: withdrawal of license and closure of news paper or magazine organization.

Detention: it means conferment of arrest due to an offence committed before trail in a court of law. It also means restriction of liberty especially of political provisional law; a rule of action establish by authority.

Civil liberty organization (clo): this is an organization in nigeria which is formed to fight against the abuse of human rights. The incumbent president in nigeria is ayobe. It has other branches in other countries of the world.

Universal declaration of human rights:

This is united nation commission where thirty articles of human rights are written for the whole worlds observation.

Vanguard nespaper: a national newspaper publisher at apapa surellere of lagos state in nigeria.

Tell magazine: a democratic and truthful magazine published in lagos, its truthful publication his mostly handed the editors and reporters in detention.

Newswatch: this is a nationwide magazine published in lagos its leadership should be up to 20,000 at a circulation world wide.


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Role of planning and control to management efficiency and productivity

Role of planning and control to management efficiency and productivity

(a study of pz industries nigeria plc, aba)




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This research work is an attempt made to enforce the role played by planning and control to management efficiency and productivity. The incessant business and reluctant growth of some companies or enterprise can be linked to deficiency in planning and control. In view of these, this topic is designed to guide managers in companies re-focus their policies towards the utilization of firm’s fund and to administer work. This work introduces the issue of stating the problems, definition of some operational items and significance of study etc.

Finally, the researcher discussed the procedures adopted in carrying out this research, the summary of finding about company and recommendation for the company was made for further research. In the summary of the findings, the researcher tried to look at the planning and control of pz industries plc by investigating the various guidelines used by the enterprise.

Here it was emphasized that effective planning and control leads to continuous existence, increase in market share and profit maximization of the organization. It was recommended that adequate and qualified managers should be employed to handle firm effectively in planning and controlling of resources of the enterprise.


Table of content

Chapter one

1.0   introduction                                                 1

1.1   background of the study                                1

1.2   statement of the problem                              4

1.3  purpose of the study                                     5

1.4  significance of the study                                6

1.5   research question                                         8

1.6  scope of the study                                         8

1.7   limitations of the study                                 9

1.7   definitions of terms                               11


Chapter two

Literature review

2.0   introduction                                                 13

2.1   nature of planning and control                      16

2.2   history of universal basic education board     26

2.3  steps in planning                                          19

2.4  the process of planning                                 24

2.5  control process                                             26

2.6   types of plan                                                29

2.7   control steps                                                32

2.8  solution to the problems                               35

2.9   principles of planning                                   35



Chapter three

3.0   research design and methodology                  39

3.1  design of the study                                        39

3.2  area of the study                                          40

3.3   population of the study                                 40

3.4   sample size and sampling technique              41

3.5   instrument for data collection                        42

3.6  validity and reliability of the instrument         45

3.7   distribution and retrieval of the instrument   46

3.8  method of data collection                              46


Chapter four

4.0   data presentation and analysis                      47

4.1   data presentation                                          48

4.2   data analysis                                                55

4.2   discussion/analysis of finding                56



Chapter five

5.0   summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations                                              58

5.1   summary of the findings                               59

5.2   conclusion                                                    60

5.3   recommendations                                         61

References                                                   63

Appendix                                                      65

Questionnaire                                               66



Chapter one

  • Introduction
    • Background of the study

The project topic role of planning and control to management efficiency and productivity. In an economy like Nigeria administrators has been faced with credible problems. Planning as a key to management efficiency and productivity involves selecting mission objectives and action to achieve them, it also bridges the gab from where we are and where we want to go. If can equally be analyzing a situation determining the goals that will be pursued in future deciding in advance the actions that will be taken to achieves these goal.


controlling in the other hand, emphasizes function involves monitoring the progress of the organization or the work unit towards goal. If necessary, taking corrective action, strategic planning, setting, objectives, managing resources. The small medium and large scale administrators experience frustrations when they make their forecast because they do not move as proposed. The crucial thing in the management is how far internal prediction are right or wrong in what planners wants to achieve. Usually large business organization differ in their planning and controlling processes but more significantly in the way these are woven into business planning and equally controlling system. It every stage, in order to ensure the manages effectiveness always depends solely in his convincing the management on the management of the soundness of his findings on planning and controlling process.


in management planning and controlling roles exist to managers and business more efficient by recognizing it to reduce or eliminate waste. They should plan towards their survival although there could be many scenarios the manages should always find ways to avoid those events that would result inefficiency of services as wall winding up of these business with this background. The efficiency and effectiveness of the management can be quite profitable and can aid expansion into planning as they to management efficiency would ask questions? Where we what to start? Where do we go from the starting point? What do we go there to do? Who goes with us, these question are necessary because without plan administrator cannot lead or expect the follower to obey them. They will have little or no chance to accomplish the goals or know when or where they stayed from their paths. Dalton mcfarland defined planning as the activity by which administrators analyze present condition to determine ways of reaching a desired future state.


  • Statement of the problem

Some business organizations maintain poor performance due to poor planning and control which effects the management efficiency and productivity of the organization. Poor planning and control are the factors that limit the productivity rate and growth of an organization also management inefficiency. Poor planning and control as a problem usually affects the smooth running and profit of the organization some business unit have no proper projects analysis and coordination greater attention in being paid on non productive projects than productive projects.

In some occasion a business organization making much profit on its subsequent year but on present stage now  are running into a big loss. And some others that were before making big loss are now pulling the lions share. There have been situations where organizations offer many years of its formation will collapse even though they many be well planned financed and managed while some other will stand a test of time. Based on this administrative lacuna which planning is the key problems the researcher now deemed imperative to write on this topic.



  • Purpose of the study

In view of these pz industry (nig.) Plc is been checked to determined the level of planning and control that goes on in the organization. This researcher work is being designed to accomplish these objectives stated on his to determine the extent to which planning and control have positively affected paterson zochonis industries (nig.) Plc. Secondly to investigate the principle procedures and steps on which planning and control should be based in order to arrives at a course of action that will lead to specific goal. Thirdly to identify the major tools for planning and control, and how best fools will be effectively use to achieve effective planning and control in pz industries. And also to determine the extent to which proper planning and control can reduce business failure or distress in pz industries.


  • Significance of the study

Planning and control are very pertinent tool for ensuring the efficiency and productivity of the management. Survival of a business especially where there are lots of unforeseen and uncontrollable variable always pull the organization down. Therefore, a constant and comprehensive step in formulating strategies plans and putting in place certain appraisal and evaluation system as a measure to control become necessary. Therefore this research work intends to enforce and help administrators to appreciate the essence of planning and control of their limited resources to meet the objective of the organization through efficiency productivity and profitability. Moreso, it will educate administrators on how cost of production, price stability increase in turnover and adequate profit shall remain the overall measure of management efficiency.


In addition to that the importance of this study will be in the development of using planning and control to help management in making relevant policy decisions which of well circulated will result to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the firm. This will in turn help to create avenues for the firms to achieve their optimum profitability which will be beneficial to the shareholder, employees, creditors and government including other that many have one dealing with organization or other. Furthermore, the outcome of this study will bring life to adying business organization caused by incessant sustenance of operational breakdown and failure.


  • Research questions

Answers to the question below would lead to the solution of the problem.

  1. What extent has planning and controls have positively affected the organization?
  2. What are the principles procedures and steps on which planning and control should be based in order to arrive at a course of action that will lead to a specific goal?
  3. What are the major tools for planning and control?


1.6   scope of the study

        the efficiency and effective of productivity in paterson 20 chonis industries (nig.) Plc is being positively affected because of high rate of planning and control of the management. Planning and control in management efficiency allows a the manage to estimate costs and the time required to finish the projects of the organization. However, planning and control act as device that enable management of pz industries (nig.) Plc to anticipate changes and adopt them. No business can exist well without planning and control and the skill with which it’s affair are being managed by the management.


1.7   limitation the study

        during the course of undertaking this research project the researcher encountered some extraneous variable which hindered the free flow of work. The information were generated from staff of pz industries (nig.) Plc books and journals some of the factor include:-

  1. Time constraint: due to the nature of this study the time allocated to it was not sufficient which could not accord the researcher the opportunity to carry some organization that are concerned to this research.
  2. Finance: inadequate finance was a major handicapped to faster this research project. This was as a result of the huge transport cost involved in the collection of information.
  3. Accessibility: during the course of this research project, the researcher found it difficult to have access to the population of interest and as a result, not all the desired information was collected since extensive visit was nor also made.
  4. Fear of information dissemination by not giving accurate information by respondents.


1.8   definition of terms

Management: it is defined as social and technical process that utilizes resources and change human behavior in the desired in order to elicit contribution that will objectives.

Planning: this is the defined as the process by which managers analyze present condition to determine ways of reaching a desired future state.

Control: this is defined as a process by which manager endeavour to achieve planned result by matching performance with intended objectives.

Forecasting: this is defined as statement that predicts something with the help of information.

Efficiency: it is the achievement of ends with the least amount of resources.

Organization: this is the aggregate of people whose objectives are towards accomplishment of a given goal or objectives.

Goal: an end towards which one is working for.

Effectiveness: it is the ability of bring about the intended result having an effect, it is also the achievement.


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Continue reading Role of planning and control to management efficiency and productivity

The effects of foreign aids on national development

The effects of foreign aids on national development

(a study of foreign health aids to nigeria 1999-2003)




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Chapter one


1.1   background of the study                             2

1.2   statement of the problem                            3

1.3  purpose of the study                                    4

1.4  significance of the study                              5

1.5   research question                                        6

1.6  scope of the study                                       7

1.7   limitations of the study                               7

1.7   definitions of terms                                     8


Chapter two

Literature review

2.0   introduction                                                10

2.1   historical background of the study              10

2.2   concept of foreign aid                                  12

2.3  types of foreign aids                                    19

2.4  purpose of foreign aids by giving nations    23

2.5    advantages and disadvantages of foreign aids 25

2.6   foreign health aids in Nigeria from 1999

To 2003                                                       27

2.7  responses to the aids epidemic                    30

2.8   theoretical framework                                  30

2.9   summary of literature review                       31

Chapter three

Research methodology

3.1  design of the study                                      33

3.2  area of the study                                         34

3.3   population of the study                                       34

3.4   instrument for data collection                     35

3.6  validity and reliability of the instrument     35

3.7    distribution and retrieval of the instrument       36

3.8  method of analysis                                      36


Chapter four

4.0   data presentation and analysis                   38

4.1   presentation of findings                                      38

4.2   discussion/analysis of finding                     47





Chapter five

Summary, conclusion and recommendations

5.1   summary of findings                                   51

5.2   conclusion                                                   52

5.3   recommendation                                         53

References                                                   55

Appendix                                                     58

Questionnaire                                              59



This study is concerned with the effects of foreign aids on national development. (a case study of foreign health aids to Nigeria from (1999-2003). The topic attempt to examine the effect of health aids in Nigeria economy from 1999-2003. The world health organization is a specialized agency of the united nations (un) that acts as the coordinating authority on international public health. They also control outbreak of infections, diseases, influenza hiv/aids. They also sponsor programmes to prevent and treat such diseases. Questionnaire were distributed among the staff of world health organization (who) at yusur nations street off yakubu gowon way asokoro, abuja in finding out what they think about health aids received by Nigeria from developed countries using table of frequency and percentage in collecting the data. Collected data were analyzed and discussed in the fourth chapter. Percentage techniques were employed in the analysis based on the analysis major findings were made which formed the bedrock of some recommendation made by the researcher the findings that developed countries attach strings to the aids they give to developing nations. The world health organization has helped towards reducing the rate of malaria through the provision of mosquito nets and polio in Nigeria. Also executors of projects should not embezzle money allocated for health aids but should use the money judiciously.


Chapter one


imperialism has been the most powerful force in the world history. It means the process whereby the dominant politico-economic interest of a nation dominate the raw material and markets of another people. Imperialism can also be defined as a policy extending a country’s power and influence by establishing colonies. Foreign and has been said to be a situation whereby developing county gets money and other aids to solve their problems for the good of the masses or citizens. There is no developing county that is not in one way of the other colonial before independence, looking at the third world countries, most especially Africa and using Nigeria as a study, one will begin to wonder what the county has been doing with the different kinds of aids it has been receiving.


  • Background of study

This study is prompted by the poverty level in the county despite huge foreign aids over the year. According to the 2008 world fact book about Nigeria it says that the unemployed rate is 5.8% population below poverty line 60%. It is also recorded that a Nigerian lives below one dollar which is one hundred and fifty naira in Nigeria currency.

They county (Nigeria received huge sum of money from different organization including the united states of America for improving health sector in the country yet the death rate has increased with children dying by malaria everyday).

  • Statement if the study

During the regime of president olusegu obasanjo 1999-2007. The issues of foreign aid was outstanding most especially on borrowing to move the country forward and also on gaining debt forgiveness from the paris club which nigeria owes about thirty billion dollars. Some politicians and scholars believed that getting foreign aids in farm of loan was needed while some said no the idea because it will increase the nations debt profile and make the nation to apply the condition usually attached to such loans.

It appears that foreign aid when harnessed fully and effectively used by the developing nations will actually lead to development. Also, the leading nations and international agencies that give loans should reduce their interest rate and other strings they attach to aid; the main problem of this study.

Includes an attempt to see whether Nigeria should continue to depend on the foreign aid it has been receiving and whether it will lead to the country’s development and whether the politicians and others in charge of allocating resources will be judicious in the application of fund meant for projects.


  • Purpose of the study

This study is an attempt to investigate the effects of foreign aid on the economy of developing nations. In this study also we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of foreign aids. The main issue to be probed in this study are whether countries that offer foreign aid like USA, Britain, France etc attach strings or conduction to the aid given to the developing nations? Whether the receiving nation (developing nations use the foreign aid judiciously.


  • Significance of the study

The significance of this research is to throw more light on the study that will generally give information to the members of the public, people in the public sectors, students specifically to the students of public administration department. Thus information will openly show us how foreign aids is been used in Nigeria, if the aid is selfishly embezzled or if the aid is judicially used.

Academically, thus study will help students and researches aid even financial manages as well as the people in the public sector to know what foreign aid is, how it is used and what is has impacted on the developing nations etc Nigeria.


  • Research question
  1. What is foreign aids?
  2. How can foreign aid be used judiciously?
  3. Has foreign aid done good or bad in the country?
  4. Has foreign aid been a part of development in the country?
  5. Do donor countries and international agencies attach strings to the foreign aids to developing nation?
  6. Are strings supposed to be attached on aid given to developing nations since its called (aids)?
  7. Should underdeveloped countries depend on foreign aid for development?
  8. What are the functions of world health organization (who)?


  • Scope/delimitation of the study

This study is on the effects of foreign aids to national development with emphasis on foreign health aid to Nigeria between (1999-2003). This study will look into the way foreign aids helps nations to develop and if it actually does.


  • Limitations of the study

The research is affected by many problems, there was limited resources in terms of finances that is lack of fund to travel in search of data. Also no availability of current relevant text that will give adequate information was virtually unavailable. Furthermore, administrative bureaucracy, time constraint also did a lot in hindering perfect collection of necessary data for the project work.

Finally, another challenge faced by the researcher in this study is the attitude of some people in giving out the necessary data required.


  • Definition of terms

For the purpose if this study, the following definitions will be used.

  1. Foreign aid: this is the assistance given to nations to help them deal with different problems and also help them develop. It can also be in form of money, military help, food and health.
  2. Foreign health aid: foreign health aid refers to aid assistance from one country to another to help combat diseases and other health related illness and as well as building of hospitals, providing of drugs and health machines such as cardiophasclolar machine etc. Foreign health and could also be in form of sending doctors to helping treatment of people in the receiving nation.
  3. National development: it is a federal government project designed to improve the economic, political, technology aspect of the nation.


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The effects of poor records management

The effects of poor records management

in an office organization in federal polytechnic, oko.




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This study is on the effects of poor records management in an office organization. The purpose of the study is to find the effect of poor records management in an office organization. To find out the importance of records management in an office organization, to know the problems associated with poor records management. The population of the study consists from federal polytechnic, oko; the data collected for the study is by study means of literature review and questionnaire which the researcher administered personally. The research used percentages in analysis the data, this is to make for easier understanding of the findings. The conclusions based on the findings are records management is the key to success in any business organization, it helps a lot in filling and retrieving of documents.


Table of content

Title page                                                                    i

Approval page                                                     ii

Dedication                                                          iii

Acknowledgements                                             iv

Abstract                                                              vi

Table of content                                                  vii

Chapter one

1.0   introduction                                         1

1.1   background of the study                             2

1.2   statement of the study                                7

1.3   purpose of the study                                    8

1.4   significance of the study                              8

1.5   research questions                               9

1.6   scope of the study                                       10

1.7   definition of terms                                       10


Chapter two

2.0   literature review                                          13

2.1   reliable records management                      19

2.2   current issue in records management         21

2.3   impact on records management                  23

  • Elements of records management system 24
  • Identify records management roles 26
  • Types of records 27
  • Computerized personnel records 30
  • Poorly maintained government computer system 36
  • Improving public service productivity through information 40
  • Policy and infrastructural 41
    • Strategic approach to public management 43
    • Records creation 45
    • Records use and maintenance 48


Chapter three

3.0   methodology                                                51

  • Brief outline of the study 51
  • Design of the study 52
  • Area of the study 52
  • The population of the study 52
  • Sample of the study 53
  • Instrument for data collection 54
  • Validation of the instrument 54
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 55
  • Method of data analysis. 55


Chapter four

4.0   data presentation and analysis    56

  • Findings 73


Chapter five

  • Summary of findings                               76
    • Recommendations 77
    • Conclusion 79
    • Limitations of the study 80

References                                                   82

Appendices                                                  84

Questionnaire                                             65

Chapter one

  • Introduction

Information flow is at the core of every management system, public or private and the correct interpretation of information is a critical attribute of an effective manager. Such interpretation is the basis of all rational decisions, which is the essence of management. Therefore, information must be considered vital resources at the personal, organizational and national level.

Information is a product of processing (analysis and synthesis) of factual data. Hence data, which is colleted and stored in various forms, is the raw material for producing information. Incorrect and incomplete data therefore gives rise to defective information. Defective information can also arise from poor processing of data. Another factor that contributes to poor information is ineffective communication because of delays, incompleteness, or distortions, therefore, developing and sustaining system that produces, store, transmit and process information is a priority functions in public administration and the management of development.


1.1   background of the study

in our society today, people in business, government and social activities to a large extend depend on records. Records are of vital importance, hence in the field of business studies, records management has been seriously appreciated, no effective discussion of an office activities takes place without records.

historically, its origin is traced back to Egypt, central records were made for purchase and sales of land to enable them know how transactions were made how records were kept. So, Egyptians gathered the necessary information which were not only processed but stored for future reference.

records management, in essence is an man, it has been in existence for quite a long period of time. This is because of man’s desire for keeping document and for keeping proper records of his daily activities so as to avoid forgetfulness. In the ancient times, records management was crude, there was no proper or good system of storage of records because it was not viewed with a keen interest.

but today’s modern world or business because of new invention n different business world records management hampers the smooth running of modern business organization, while proper care is taken in any organization to see that records are kept properly as it is part of the business. Infact, it is the life wire of most business as the planning of the business, documents used for construction of sites, receipt for goods bought and so on are kept for future reference.

taking a critical look at a typical office, it will be observed that, that would be seen embraced such things like letters, report, check and so on. All these are records which must be presented so that reference should be made easily. Offices do not operate in a vacuum, they receive information which comes inform of invoices, memorandum, correspondence etc., which are sorted out, recorded, codified and properly stored for future references, these places of information could be sorted out alphabetically or chronologically. There is no standard system of record keeping; each organization has it own system of record that suits it. What we regard or know as records come information and only becomes important when they were properly kept for future reference. Records do not come into being at random, their existence and maintenance is deliberated.

therefore, is hardly on organization that has no desire for storing documents. The major problem could be lack of finance, space and equipment for keeping records.

an organization needs storage equipment filling cabinet, desk, drawer, fire resisting equipment etc. As to have an efficient and standard system of keeping records. Having been able to buy the equipment, lack of space can hamper the efficiency of the record-keeping management. For example, many institutions and ministries are operating in rented buildings.

against this background, many records are kept by different offices operating in Nigeria; their records arise from the daily activities in and outside the offices. Various office managers are usually placed in charges of records management in these offices. On the order hand, some organizations do not know the importance of record management. When one goes to an organization to get documented information, what he or she will hear is that the record(s) bearing the information is missing. Thereby causing delay in getting the information. In this regard the researcher wants to make a through research concerning the effects of poor record management in an office organization. Also the research wants to get solution to the problem investigated.


1.2   statement of the study

it is a fact that poor record management affects an organization performance. This is because when records are not well kept, it disrupts functions. Hence organization should learn or teach their employees on how to file and keep their files properly. It was also discovered that most organization doesn’t have modern equipment like computer to keep records; lack of accommodation is also one of problems encountered. These are the reason why the researcher wanted to find out the effects of poor records management in an office organization.



1.3   purpose of the study

  1. The purpose of study is to know the effect of poor records management in an office organization.
  2. To know why some offices in the institution fell to keep records well.
  3. To know the problem associated with record management.
  4. To make suggestion based on the findings and also make recommendation so as to have effective records management in the organization especially in federal polytechnic, oko.


1.4   significance of the study

        the study will be of great benefit to organizational managers to know modern ways of keeping records. This study will also help the management to decide to send the workers concerned for in service training so as to improve records management in an organization. The study will also eliminate manpower wastage in organization. It will also help the workers to be aware of proper records keeping.


1.5   research questions

to what extent does federal polytechnic, oko keep records of their students?

  1. To what extent does poor record management affect both students and staff of the polytechnic?
  2. What are the courses of poor record management in organization?
  • Does federal polytechnic, oko teach the staff proper records management?
  1. To what extent does poor record management affect organization?
  2. What are the consequences of poor record management?
  3. Does poor record management affect organization performance?


  • Scope of the study

The scope of this work is the effects of poor record management in an organization in federal polytechnic oko. In this research work is the effects of poor records management in nigeria with special reference to federal polytechnic, oko.


1.7   definition of terms

Recording: this is a process of putting down in writing a permanent account of facts or events persevered for future reference.

Motivation: is a management techniques and a process of stimulating people into action in order to accomplish the desire goal or objective.

Automation: this is the use of different types of machine aided devices to work in an office to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the employ manpower.

Secretary: a secretary is an association to an executive that posses mastery of higher skills, has the ability to take responsibility without much supervision and able to take decision within her/his limit or scope.

Department: is a situation where the activities of an organization are severally divided into sections or group and according to their functions.

Organization: this means the arrangement of the various party allocated with authority and responsibilities so that they work harmoniously towards the attainment of the set goals or objectives.

Computer: is an electronic device that accept data to produce a meaningful information with title or no human intervention.

Computer programme: is a set of instrument which enables.

Management: this is the act of managing ie the managers of an




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The effects of organizational structure in the management of organization

 The effects of organizational structure in the management of organization

(a case study of life vegetable oil, nnewi)




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The major purpose of this study is to examine the effect of organizational structure on management with reference to life vegetable nnewi. The population of this study consisted of 90 workers of life vegetable company. The sample of the study was consisted of 40 out of 90 staff of vegetable company oil umudim nnewi.

The sample was drawn using systematic random sampling the data gathering instrument was questionnaire. Three research questions was developed and validated which glided the study. The research designed utilized in the study was a survey method. Sample percentages were used to answer the research questions. The major findings of this study was that the organizational structure has contributed immensely to the efficiency or inefficiency of workers in the organization. The delay in decision making affects the effectiveness or performance of workers in the organization. Organizational structure encourages inefficiency and ineffectiveness. It was concluded that for every company to be effective there must be an organizational structure. And each structure must be doing the right thing at the right time.

The researcher recommended that information is very essential to every organization. Confidential information about the organization should be kept secret, managers should live exemplary lives by avoiding corruption, abuse of power, official indiscipline, favouritism and nepotism ensuring the organizations rules and regulation are implemented.



Table of content

Chapter one

  • Introduction
  • Statement of problem
  • Purpose of study
  • Significance of the study
  • Research questions
  • Limitation of study
  • Delimitation

Chapter two

2.1   literature review


Chapter three

  • Research methodology
    • Target population
    • Sample size
    • Instrument for data collection
    • Authenticity of data collection
    • Data collection techniques
    • Source of data


Chapter four

  • Data presentation and analysis


Chapter five

  • Conclusion and recommendation
  • Recommendation





Chapter one


  • Background of the study

The effects of organizational structure on any worth while enterprise cannot be over emphasized. This is because organizational structure hinges on the very foundation of effective business enterprises. The essential element necessary for effective organization this include;

  1. The nature of the establishment itself.
  2. It objectives
  3. Productivity
  4. Services and interaction

For any meaningful business to thrive, these factors must be placed in motion and must work harmoniously amongst each other.

Organization is defined in many ways. In the study of the management, it can be referred in structure of relationship among individuals.

Organizations are primarily complex of goals seeking of unit which in order to survive must accompany secondary task e.g. They must maintain their internal system to co-ordinate the human side of the enterprise and must adapt and to shape the external environment.

Eiton (1984) stated that human affiliation of man could be a motivating force and viewed of the industrial organization as a social and economic as well as technical system.

According to elton, managers should be judged by their ability to maintain co-operation, this implies that once a primary group is seen as motivating force, it may be said that a managerial elite will become absolute as the works, the group itself become the decision making. Whether or not, this is possible. It does appear that changes is needed in inter-personal relations and it is here that management can help by instilling value which permits the expression of feeling and trust and concern for the individual.

The organizational structure is the basic framework within which the executives decision making behaviour occurs. The quality and nature of decision made are influenced by the nature of the organizational structure as an element of management and it concern with grouping of activities which must be grouped logically and authority must be granted so that conflict do not occur.

According to agwu akpala (1988) management is the process of combing and utilizing or allocating organization inputs (men, material and money by planning, organizing, directing and controlling for the purpose of producing outputs goods and services or whatever the objective are desired by the customers so that the organization objectives are accomplished.

In this process, work is performed with and through organization personal is an over changing organization environment. Management can also be defined as the effective and efficient utilization of human resources and non human resources to achieve organizational goals, hence producing goods and services desired by customers. We believe that by this studying the management process, you can increase your effectiveness and efficiency as a manager. To be effective, one need to be combine on his study of management with experience. This means that the management can also be got through experience.



  • Statement of the problem

The need of the effect of organizational structure on management cannot be over emphasized. This is because goal attainment is an important index in an organization.

Organization structure is a practical division of work, the scalar process and span of management. The quality and worth of any organization depend on the caliber of manager that behind it.

Organization with the effective managers is likely to be successful while those without effective managers may fail. In a developing country like Nigeria, many problems are involved in effect of organizational structure on the management.


Poor communication

this means that a manager who does not possess adequate human relation skill with his employees is likely to fail there, as one with adequate human relation skills with his employees to succeed  is  that when there is a good rapour among the managers and the employees, the goal and objectives of the organization is more likely to be achieved but in some organization there is lack of communication or good rapour among the managers and their employees.


Lack of raw materials in the organization 

        insufficient resources can hinder productivity of an organization, this means that organizational resources need to be allocated to the various individuals and units and it is a manager who does this in order words he is the resources allocate.


Problem of advertisement

this is another problems that hinders some organizations. Some organizational product mere not known by the buyers in the market and his leads to low return rate of the product. Like telephone, radio, magazine and other forms of communication should be improved.


Lack of good road

        company or organization with poor road network always loose and this may equally lead them to liquidation. Organization also loose some material that is good facilitated the organization to enable them well carrying out normal operation.


Lack of capital

no organization can set up a business without enough capital and no business can survive without making profits. The above study clearly indicate the problems facing organizational structure on management and solution to the problems that may be available.


  • Purpose of the study

The major purpose of the study is to examine the effects of the organizational structure on management with the reference to life vegetable on nnewi. Basically, the study aims at:

  1. Find out the meaning of organization structure
  2. To ascertain the position of the organizational structure in life vegetable oil.
  • To ascertain the impact of this organizational structure has made on the workers performance. It is hoped that the result of the study would help to confirm or cancel the view that the effective management depends on the organizational structure with particular reference to life vegetable enterprise.


  • Significance of the study

There is urgent need to find out the effect of the organizational structure on management especially at the present time when most of our business enterprise are fast growing.

This study is important in the sense that it will provide vital and desirable information to business institutions especially the vegetable oil industry.

It will help us to know the integral part of our lives and the society we live in. The study will help us to spread knowledge and experience.

It will help students who want to follow the same line of action in their own research project. It will further help to cover conflicts that may occur in an organization.

The study will help employee and employers to know their positions in an organization.


  • Research questions

This study sought answers to the following research questions.

  1. What is the meaning of the organizational structure in the life vegetable oil
  2. What is the position of organizational structure in the life vegetable oil?
  3. How does organization structure affects workers performance?


  • Scope of the study

Any study or problem solving embarked on is targeted on giving extracting information from a particular environment.

This study is expected, if well handled to cover the effect of organization structure on the management in the life vegetable oil in umudian in nnewi north local government area.


  • Definition of terms

Organization:         a group of people who form business club in order to achieve a particular aim.

Structure:              the way in which part of some thing are connected together, arranged and organized.

Management:         act of running and controlling a business or similar organization.

Resources:             something that can be of help to achieve aim.

Advertisement:       creating awareness about a particular job or services.




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